Hello, I am Angrygrape1337, and I started this page in 2015, originally to start articles about AM2R (Which I was really hyped for), now I do flash movies, pics, and, umm, articles. Also, did I mention I am sexy as hell? That's me on the left
I make fun of everybody, neckbeards, legbeards, incels, femcels, Republicans, Democrats, soyboys, MGTOW guys, you name it. Don't like it, go to hell!
If you have any questions regarding anything, suggestions, critiques, or you're a manbaby who got offended by anything I wrote (whether it be from a brony, gamergator, neckbeard, animu waifu enthusiast, etc.), then shoot me an email over at Angrygrape1337@gmail.com
Before Angrygrape1337, I was some random internet user who lurks Youtube and other parts of the internet, and lurk I did. Actually, even before Youtube, I was a major Newgrounds visitor, eBaumsWorld, Stickdeath, and ClappingFetus. I started in 2012 maiing nothing but Youtube Poops, then I guess I created a genre that transcends that. Nowadays, I mainly use Youtube for flash animations and all. I also do digital drawings of anything I like, whether it be gas giants, lolcows, or whatever you like.